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Established 1998

HJUSA Hand Engine Database
If you have any updated info on these engines please let us know!

Name  -  Builder  -  Serial Number  -  Location  -  Piston Size  -  History

A    Button    1873    617    Aliment, Ont.    9 1/4"

A    Button    1854    372    Ashburnham, MA

A    Button    1849    185    Assinippi, MA    Was the property of SPNEA. Auctioned 1989

A    Hunneman    1817    48    Augusta, GA

A    Hunneman    1817    49     Augusta, GA

A    Hunneman    1824    93    Ashby, MA             See "WATER WITCH"

A    Hunneman    1840    195    Appalachicola, FL    5 1/2"

A    Hunneman    1843    224    Augusta, GA

A    Hunneman    1844    238    Augusta. GA

A    Thayer    Australia      See Niagara

A.C. Bickhaus    Smith    1839        Quincy, IL            Purchased new by Quincy; later to Shelbina, MO, back to Quincy, still there

A.W. Deweky    Button    1879    662    Elmore, OH    9 1/4"

A.C. Wallace #7    Hunneman    1855    540    Manchester, NH Delivered to Manchester, NH as "PISCATAQUOG #7"; later became "A.C. WALLACE",
                                                                    retired from service in 1859; sold in 1864.

Able and Willing  Button          1881    670     Delivered to Tombstone, Az and named "TOMBSTONE", in service till 1895; Purchased in 1914 by Nogales
                                                                 , AZ for $195 and be came the city's first piece of fire apparatus and renamed "ABLE and WILLING"; in
                                                                  service till around 1920 them placed in storage; in 1948 became the property of the newly formed Pimeria
                                                                   Alta Historical Society; in 1979 it was restored and placed on display in the old Nogales City Hall; in 2004
                                                                   moved to Nogales Fire Station

Abenakie #1    Hunneman    1860    655    Bellows Falls , VT    5 1/2"

Aberdeen    Button    1855    376    Wakefield, RI    10"    Delivered to Mobile, AL as "PHOENIX #6"; to Aberdeen, MS renamed "ABERDEEN" ; to
                                                                                     Edgewood, RI in 1907; to Wakefield, RI, junked 1939.

Aberdeen    Button    1876    647    South Kingston RI    10"    Delivered to Peabody, MA, as "SIDNEY C. BANCROFT" aka "F.B. SCHOFIELD"; to
                                                                                           Rockport, ME in 1885 and renamed "ROCKPORT" aka "GEORGE F. BURGESS"; to
                                                                                           Wellesley, MA in 1955 and "MAUGUS"; to S. Kingston, RI in 1965 and renamed current
                                                                                             name; NESVFL champ 1966.

Accanan #1    Hunneman    1854    527    Wallingford, CT    5"    Delivered to Wallingford, CT at a cost of $800; in 1880 traded as partial payment for a
                                                                                               steam engine.

Aconcagua    Hunneman    1856    567    Valparaiso, Chile    8"    Delivered to the Firefighters of Valparaiso, Chile as "VALPARAISO"; sold March of
                                                                                               1883 to 1st Co. of Firefighters of San Felipe for 3000 pesos and renamed current. This
                                                                                               engine is considered "an Historical Artifact of the City" and on display there.

Active #5    Hunneman    1847    323    Weymouth, MA    5 11/16"    Delivered to Vergennes, VT as "EXTINGUISHER"; sold to S. Weymouth, MA in 1877
                                                                                                     and given it's current name.

Active #8    Hunneman    1825    108    Salem, MA

Acushnet #4    Delano & Durfree    1827    New Bedford, MA    Delivered to New Bedford, MA as "COLUMBIAN #5"; rebuilt in 1857 and renamed current name;
                                                                                                      company disbanded in 1867.

Adams#2   Thayer    1824    Quincy, MA    5"                           See "WATER WITCH #2"

Adams #1    Hunneman    1857   584    Lexington, MA    6"    Delivered to Lexington, MA; sold to Brownsville, ME in 1886; 1930 returned to Lexington Historical
                                                                                                 Society; still there.

Adams #10    Hunneman    1848    356    Salem, MA    6"

Adreatic #4    Jeffers    1860    Tiffin, OH    10"

Adriatic#31     Jeffers    1857    New York, NY    10"    Destroyed in Crystal Palace Fire in NY in 10/3/1858.

Adriatic #31    Jeffers    1859    New York, NY              See "MOHAWK #16"

Aetna    Button    1854    365    Fort Covington, NY    10"

Aetna Fire Co.    Hunneman    1859    639    Charleston, SC    7"

Agawam    East Hampton, MA

Agawam    South Hampton, NY

Agawam #2    Hunneman    1821    72    Ipswich, MA    Originally named "GO AHEAD"; renamed current name in 1845. In service until 1861.

Agile    Leslie    Amesbury, MA

Agile #6    Leslie    1839    Newburyport, MA    6 1/2"    Delivered to Merrimac, MA as "MECHANIC #2", renamed current name in 1840s; sold to Amesbury, MA in}
                                                                                           1862; again sold to Merrimac, MA; scrapped in 1882.

Agonez    Jeffers    1860    Sanduskey, OH    10"

Albany #1    Cowing    1860    Albany, GA

Albion    Button    Lincoln, RI

Albion    Dennison   1858      Albion, RI          See "ARNOLD B CHASE"

Albion    Torboss    Albion, ME

Alert    Howard & Davis    Winchendon, MA    6 1/2"

Alert    Hunneman    1832    142    Dedham, MA     At HFM.

Alert    Jeffers    Adrian, MI    9"

Alert    Thayer    1820    Milford, MA    5"

Alert    Thayer    1826    Bedford, MA    5"

Alert    Torboss    Albion, MI

Alert    West Farna, ME

Alert     Portland, ME                                             Bucket tub

Alert    Portland, ME                                              First appeared in records in 1815; Disposed of around 1835

Alert #1    Hunneman    1820    62    Malden,    MA

Alert #4    Button    1847    Fairhaven, MA    9"    Delivered to Taunton, MA as "OREGON #7"; sold to Bath, ME and renamed "NIAGARA #? "; sold to Topsham, ME in
                                                                               1896 renamed "PJEPSCOT", sold in 1912 to Fairhaven, MA renamed.

Alert #6    Thayer    1811    Lynn, MA    5"  

Allegany                             Hollidayburg, PA        Cost $950; Purchased in 1841; Double Deck engine; Now at Blair County Historical Society, Altoona, PA

Allegany #2    Hunneman    1843    217    Pittsburgh, PA    Delivered to Cambridge, MA; sold June 14, 1844 to Pittsburgh, PA and given current name.

Altonia #1     Button    Alton, IL

Always Ready    American Acme    1858        Manchester, PA            Still there

Always Ready    Hunneman    1834    155    Hollis, NH    4 1/2"    Delivered to Hollis, NH; still there, 1994 Class C Champ.

Always Ready   Hunneman    1849    376    Westminster, MA    4 1/4"    Delivered to Westminster, MA as "UNION #2", later renamed "ALWAYS READY", still in

Always Ready    Hunneman    1858    619    Hollis, NH    5"    Scrapped.

Amazon #1    Hunneman    1851    422    North Hadley, MA    5 1/2"    Delivered to Lowell, MA as "TIGER #5"; loaned to Newton, MA in 1886 and named "CATARACT
                                                                                                               #1"; returned to Lowell and sold to Essex, MA in 1915 and named "AMAZON"; Was at N. Hadley,
                                                                                                               MA now at North Hadley, MA. Sold at Auction in the early 2000s, to an individual in Canada.

Amazon #2    Hunneman    1848    353    Wiscassett, ME    5"    Delivered to Wiscasset, ME as 5"; changed to 5 7/8" in 1887; was at Lincoln County Fire Museum in
                                                                                                     Wisacasset; now at Wisacasset Fire Society.

Amazon #2    Thayer    1840    Weymouth, MA    6"    Scrapped in 1883 when taken out of active service.

America #1    Button    1854    Joliet, IL

America #10    Hunneman    1860    652    Norwood, MA    6"    Delivered to Dedham, MA; to Norwood, MA in 1872.

America #2    Hunneman    1812    30    Roxbury, MA    Delivered to Roxbury, MA; sold to Norwood, MA; to South Dedham, MA. In 1860 traded to Hunneman as partial
                                                                                         payment for new engine H#652; rebuilt as a suction engine and sold to Sterling, MA for the Methodist Camp
                                                                                         Meeting Grounds. Scrapped 1938.

America #2    Hunneman    1844    234    Roxbury, MA    6 1/2"    Delivered to Dedham, MA to replace "America #2'; acquired from Roxbury, MA; in 1872; to Norwood,
                                                                                                         MA when annexed from Dedham.

American        Lyon        1812            Womelsdorf, PA                    originally ownede by the American Fire Co. of Philadelphia; sold to Womelsdorf in 1846; still there

American       J.Bates                                                             Originally built for Kutztown, PA; was at Museum in Kempton, PA

American #1    Hunneman    1855    538    West Brookfield, MA    6"    Delivered to West Brookfield, MA; still at fire house.

Americano    Hunneman    1852    440    Chile    8"    Brought to Chile through the effort of Mr. Carlos P. Hemenway of Augustus Hemenway & Co. of N.A. and
                                                                                    Chile.Considered an "Historic Relic" and on display in the city of Ancud in Southern Chile.

Americus #6    Agnew    1842    New York, NY    8 1/2"    One of New York's first double deck engines. Company disbanded by the city in 1846 and later reorganized. In
                                                                                              1850 William M. "Boss" Tweed was elected Forman. Engine also known as "TIGER".

Americus #6    Smith    1851    Washington, DC

Androscoggin    Hunneman    1850    385    Topsham, ME    6"    Still in Topsham, ME; N.E. League Class B Champs 1946. 1949, 1950 and 1954.

Androscoggin #1 Hunneman 1849 365 Hartland, ME 5 1/2" Delivered to Lewiston Falls, ME; sold to Hartland, ME in 1874.

Androscoggin #1    Hunneman    1863    665    Gorham, NH    5 1/2"    Delivered to Norwich, CT as "NEPTUNE #5"; sold to Gorham, NH & renamed "ANDROSCOGGIN
                                                                                                                #1". Still in Gorham, NH.

Anihilator #5    Roberts    1853?    Hartford, CT    8"

Annowqasset    Shellburne Falls, VT

Antonio #3    Hunneman    1858    622    Matanzas, Cuba    4 1/2"

Aquarius    Button    1856    Peterborough, NH    9 1/2"    Still there

Aquarius    Hunneman    1839    183    Onset, MA    Delivered to East Randolph, MA (now Holbrook); sold in 1878 to Onset, MA.

Aquineck #3    Button    1856    437    Newport, RI    8"

Arcade #1    Cowing    1860    Arcade, NY

Arcade #2    Cowing    1861    Arcade, NY

Arctic    Button    1883    684    Milford, CT    9"

Arlington#1   Button    1853   334   Winchester, NH    10"    Delivered to the Pulzski Engine Co. of Pulzski, NY. named "RINGOLD" Sold in 1910 to Winchester, NH
                                                                                                and given it's current name.

Arlington    Gleason & Bailey    1886    Arlington, OH    7"

Arnold B. Chase    Dennison    1858 Albion, RI    8 1/2"    Original owner was Princton University, Princton, NJ; purchased by Albion RI VFA in 1902; sold to Novelty
                                                                                             Park VFA of Pawtucket, RI; to SPNEA; now owned by the American Hand Fire Engine Society.

Arundel    Waterman    Kennebunk,    ME 6"

Arundel #2    Hunneman    1850    380    Kennebunkport, ME    4"    In active service as late as 1924.

Ashburnham #1    Hunneman    1855    542    Ashburnham, MA    6"

Ashley #9    Hunneman    1850    414    Charleston, SC    6 1/2"    Original name "WARD ENGINE #9".

Ashuelot #1    Button    Winchester, NH       6"          at Winchester, NH (2013)

Ashuelot #1    Hunneman    1848    343    Winchester, NH    5"    Possibly a 4" machine.

Assebet #1    Hunneman    1860    649    West River, MD    5 1/2"    Delivered to Northborough, MA; to SPNEA; to Frank Tremmell of W. River, Maryland.

Assistance #7    Thayer    1824    Lynn, MA    5"    Placed in reserve in 1845; replaced by Hunneman engine H#260; to Swampscott, MA in 1852.

Athletic #3    Hunneman    1873    727    Lebanon, NH    5 1/2"    Sold to Franklin Reed in 1943; destroyed by fire June 1972. 

Atlantic       Chase & Seymour    1840                                           Operated by Eagle Fire Co. #4, formerly Franklin Fire Co. #4

Atlantic    Button    1851    Framingham, MA    10"    Delivered to Auburn, ME as "ATLANTIC"; to Ludlow in 1908 and renamed "LUDLOW"; to SPNEA; to B. Blackadar
                                                                                     of Framingham, MA in 1989 for $2500 and renamed "ATLANTIC".

Atlantic #1    Hunneman    1845    260    Swampscott, MA    6 5/8"    Delivered to Lynn, MA as "ATLANTIC #7"; to Swampscott in 1852 and renumbered "ATLANTIC
                                                                                                             #1", in service until 1884. Still in Swampscott. NESVFL Class B Champs 1968, 1969, 1970,1971,
                                                                                                             1972, 1976, 1977 and 1983.

Atlantic #10    Button    1856   440    Dearborn, MI    9"    Delivered to Providence, RI as "GAZELLE #4"; to Oreno, ME renamed "ATLANTIC #10"; to the HFM in 1924.

Atlantic #10    Button    1858    New London, CT    9"    Delivered to Providence,RI ; later to New London, CT.

Atlantic #10    Howard & Davis    1851    Providence, RI.    Sold in 1864.

Atlantic #2    Button    1851    Chicopee, MA    9"

Atlantic #2    Crockett    1848    Portland, ME    7"    At the Portland, ME Veteran Fireman's Museum.

Atlantic #2    Hunneman    1866    685    Camden, ME    5"    Destroyed in a building collapse in 1920.

Atlantic #3    Button    1851    Oakland, ME    10"    Delivered to Augusta, ME; to West Waterville, ME; to Oakland, ME.; Still there 1990

Atlantic #6                              Exeter, NH                  Originally named "FOUNTAIN #1"; possibly to Portsmouth, NH

Atlantic #6    Hunneman    1854    500    Portsmouth, NH    6"    Scrapped.

Augusta    Cowing    1860    Augusta, GA    Piano style engine.

Augusta    Prescott, Canada

Augusta #8    Jeffers    1851    Augusta, GA

Aurora #45    Smith    1861    New York, NY    8 1/2"

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